
Ολυμπιαδος 49 (ισόγειο) - Κέντρο Θεσσαλονίκη
Privacy policy

Dear User,

We hereby wish to inform you about the protection of your personal data, so that the experience of using to ensure you a safe and transparent trading environment.

Our identity

We are the company with the brand ThessMassage, based in the city of Θεσσαλονίκη, on the street Ολυμπιαδος 49 (ισόγειο) - Κέντρο, with A.F.M. 157758345.

Our communication is achieved through the following methods:

  • Email:

  • Telephone: 2311263606

The visit and registering an appointment on our website implies the acceptance of this privacy policy, which is fully harmonized with the applicable national and supranational legal rules.


The term "personal data" refers to any information of natural or legal persons, such as name, postal address, e-mail address, contact telephone number, tax registration numbers, which identify or can identify you, hereinafter. Accordingly, any act or series of acts performed on personal data or sets of personal data, such as registration, organization, storage, correction, retrieval, information retrieval, use, disclosure by transmission,

dissemination, deletion, concerns the processing of personal data.

In order to achieve the purposes of use and operation of the website, the provision of personal data to the company is necessary. For this purpose, they are required either mandatory or optional. It is noted that the mandatory registration of data concession is indicated with an asterisk (*). It is made clear that if you do not agree to the provision of the mandatory data, it is impossible to achieve the purpose of using the website in question.

Which Personal Data do we collect?

Our purpose is to collect your absolutely necessary personal data which is necessary and clear for the intended purpose. Namely:

a. Data you provide us when registering an appointment on our website or the corresponding application for smart devices, so that it is possible to verify your identity, during our communication or the execution of the order, that is,

  • E-mail address

  • First and last name

  • Contact phone number

  • User address, Postal Code, City, Country

    (for resident provision of the service),

b. Data related to the payment method for the transactions you carry out through our website.

c. Data about the services you usually choose, in order to recommend services of your interest.

d. Information about traffic to our website, i.e. device identifier, operating system and corresponding version, access time, information about the internet connection (IP address), for security and technical reasons.

e. Information collected from the use of cookies in your browser.

g. In order to provide the best possible website experience, we collect technical information about your internet connection and browser, as well as the country and telephone code where your computer is located, the pages that are displayed during your visit, the advertisements in which you click and whatever search terms you used.

Under applicable law, you have the following rights:
  • access to information about the storage and processing of your data

  • correcting your personal data

  • deleting the data provided

  • limiting the processing of the data available to us

  • data portability from us to another service provider

  • object to the processing of your data, through your objection to

    In this case we will review the processing and either stop processing the data you or we will develop the reasons for continuing the processing

  • complaint in the event that you consider that we have succumbed to an error regarding the processing of your personal data. Filing a complaint with the competent supervisory administrative authority is self-explanatory. (Personal Data Protection Authority Details: Address Kifisia 1-3, .P.O. 11523, ATHENS. Telephone: 2106475600 and email:

The above requests are examined and completed immediately.

Personal data controller

The personal data controller , assumes responsibility for the processing of personal data, for the purposes they serve as well as the way they are processed. For any issue regarding the protection of personal data, please contact the responsible person via the email address

on our platform. In this regard, to avoid such cases, we use various technical systems through which we suppress them. If in this context, the protection system has a negative impact for you, please contact the email:

Sending informative messages (also in the form of notifications)

By declaring your e-mail address on our platform and your mobile number, you grant the right to send informative messages regarding appointment reminders you have register, with our provided services, new products, offers, etc. It is emphasized that promotional actions may vary depending on some factors, e.g. the usual kind of preference of the services provided, etc.

Quality control of our services

In the context of our disposition for continuous development and improvement of our services we are at your disposal in order to receive your suggestions for the best experience of your friction with our platform.


In order to make the visit to our website/app attractive and to enable the use of certain functions, we use so-called cookies on various pages. These are small text files stored in your browser.

Some of the cookies we use are deleted at the end of the browser session, i.e. after closing the browser (so-called session cookies). Other cookies remain on your device and allow us to recognize your browser on your next visit (persistent cookies). You can

set your browser so that you are informed about the cookie settings, or through the information banner (cookies banner) or finally from the cookies policy on our website and decide individually on the acceptance or their deviation for specific cases or in general. Not accepting cookies may limit the functionality of our website.

Mergers & acquisitions, change of ownership

In the event of a merger or acquisition by another company, the company will immediately inform users about the sharing of information collected by the platform.

Who we work with and share your data

According to company policy, we do not provide your data to unauthorized third parties. However, as part of our operations and development, we obtain services from service providers giving them limited and strictly controlled access to some of our data. In any case, before we transfer personal data to third parties, our company ensures the legal management with the corresponding investigation about the level of the third party as well as the corresponding signature about the observance of legality. All data recipients must meet the legal requirements regarding data protection and demonstrate the level of data protection with appropriate technical and organizational means.

In any case, our company may provide any kind information about the processors of personal data.

Transfers of personal data to third countries

We process your data mainly within the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA).

How long do we keep your Data?

In order to fulfill the purposes of the platform as well as the privacy policy in question, the retention time of personal data is reasonable. More specifically, data related to service appointments that you have purchased through our website are kept for a long time, so that any possible administrative supervision becomes accessible. It is emphasized that, at the end of the period required by law to retain this data for the above purposes, the platform proceeds to delete it.

Next, in the case retention of personal data for the needs of sending informative messages (newsletters), your personal data is kept for as long as you wish to receive the corresponding actions. Clearly, with your express statement to the contrary to stop sending messages, your personal data is deleted immediately.

Right to modify the personal data protection policy

We declare that we may modify the data protection policy in accordance with the legislative provisions. For each modification you will receive an informative message.

Date of last update: 15/10/2023


Ολυμπιαδος 49 (ισόγειο) - Κέντρο Θεσσαλονίκη
Privacy policy

Dear User,

We hereby wish to inform you about the protection of your personal data, so that the experience of using to ensure you a safe and transparent trading environment.

Our identity

We are the company with the brand ThessMassage, based in the city of Θεσσαλονίκη, on the street Ολυμπιαδος 49 (ισόγειο) - Κέντρο, with A.F.M. 157758345.

Our communication is achieved through the following methods:

  • Email:

  • Telephone: 2311263606

The visit and registering an appointment on our website implies the acceptance of this privacy policy, which is fully harmonized with the applicable national and supranational legal rules.


The term "personal data" refers to any information of natural or legal persons, such as name, postal address, e-mail address, contact telephone number, tax registration numbers, which identify or can identify you, hereinafter. Accordingly, any act or series of acts performed on personal data or sets of personal data, such as registration, organization, storage, correction, retrieval, information retrieval, use, disclosure by transmission,

dissemination, deletion, concerns the processing of personal data.

In order to achieve the purposes of use and operation of the website, the provision of personal data to the company is necessary. For this purpose, they are required either mandatory or optional. It is noted that the mandatory registration of data concession is indicated with an asterisk (*). It is made clear that if you do not agree to the provision of the mandatory data, it is impossible to achieve the purpose of using the website in question.

Which Personal Data do we collect?

Our purpose is to collect your absolutely necessary personal data which is necessary and clear for the intended purpose. Namely:

a. Data you provide us when registering an appointment on our website or the corresponding application for smart devices, so that it is possible to verify your identity, during our communication or the execution of the order, that is,

  • E-mail address

  • First and last name

  • Contact phone number

  • User address, Postal Code, City, Country

    (for resident provision of the service),

b. Data related to the payment method for the transactions you carry out through our website.

c. Data about the services you usually choose, in order to recommend services of your interest.

d. Information about traffic to our website, i.e. device identifier, operating system and corresponding version, access time, information about the internet connection (IP address), for security and technical reasons.

e. Information collected from the use of cookies in your browser.

g. In order to provide the best possible website experience, we collect technical information about your internet connection and browser, as well as the country and telephone code where your computer is located, the pages that are displayed during your visit, the advertisements in which you click and whatever search terms you used.

Under applicable law, you have the following rights:
  • access to information about the storage and processing of your data

  • correcting your personal data

  • deleting the data provided

  • limiting the processing of the data available to us

  • data portability from us to another service provider

  • object to the processing of your data, through your objection to

    In this case we will review the processing and either stop processing the data you or we will develop the reasons for continuing the processing

  • complaint in the event that you consider that we have succumbed to an error regarding the processing of your personal data. Filing a complaint with the competent supervisory administrative authority is self-explanatory. (Personal Data Protection Authority Details: Address Kifisia 1-3, .P.O. 11523, ATHENS. Telephone: 2106475600 and email:

The above requests are examined and completed immediately.

Personal data controller

The personal data controller , assumes responsibility for the processing of personal data, for the purposes they serve as well as the way they are processed. For any issue regarding the protection of personal data, please contact the responsible person via the email address

on our platform. In this regard, to avoid such cases, we use various technical systems through which we suppress them. If in this context, the protection system has a negative impact for you, please contact the email:

Sending informative messages (also in the form of notifications)

By declaring your e-mail address on our platform and your mobile number, you grant the right to send informative messages regarding appointment reminders you have register, with our provided services, new products, offers, etc. It is emphasized that promotional actions may vary depending on some factors, e.g. the usual kind of preference of the services provided, etc.

Quality control of our services

In the context of our disposition for continuous development and improvement of our services we are at your disposal in order to receive your suggestions for the best experience of your friction with our platform.


In order to make the visit to our website/app attractive and to enable the use of certain functions, we use so-called cookies on various pages. These are small text files stored in your browser.

Some of the cookies we use are deleted at the end of the browser session, i.e. after closing the browser (so-called session cookies). Other cookies remain on your device and allow us to recognize your browser on your next visit (persistent cookies). You can

set your browser so that you are informed about the cookie settings, or through the information banner (cookies banner) or finally from the cookies policy on our website and decide individually on the acceptance or their deviation for specific cases or in general. Not accepting cookies may limit the functionality of our website.

Mergers & acquisitions, change of ownership

In the event of a merger or acquisition by another company, the company will immediately inform users about the sharing of information collected by the platform.

Who we work with and share your data

According to company policy, we do not provide your data to unauthorized third parties. However, as part of our operations and development, we obtain services from service providers giving them limited and strictly controlled access to some of our data. In any case, before we transfer personal data to third parties, our company ensures the legal management with the corresponding investigation about the level of the third party as well as the corresponding signature about the observance of legality. All data recipients must meet the legal requirements regarding data protection and demonstrate the level of data protection with appropriate technical and organizational means.

In any case, our company may provide any kind information about the processors of personal data.

Transfers of personal data to third countries

We process your data mainly within the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA).

How long do we keep your Data?

In order to fulfill the purposes of the platform as well as the privacy policy in question, the retention time of personal data is reasonable. More specifically, data related to service appointments that you have purchased through our website are kept for a long time, so that any possible administrative supervision becomes accessible. It is emphasized that, at the end of the period required by law to retain this data for the above purposes, the platform proceeds to delete it.

Next, in the case retention of personal data for the needs of sending informative messages (newsletters), your personal data is kept for as long as you wish to receive the corresponding actions. Clearly, with your express statement to the contrary to stop sending messages, your personal data is deleted immediately.

Right to modify the personal data protection policy

We declare that we may modify the data protection policy in accordance with the legislative provisions. For each modification you will receive an informative message.

Date of last update: 15/10/2023